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Full of self-doubt, anyone too?

Thanks for all comments. I felt much better after sharing my experience and reading all of your comments. It's really comforting. After reading several threads on this forum, I now understand that I am not alone in the sense that many of the readers here also had similar feelings, and very surprised of the kindness of many of you here.

As for my fellow colleagues in my department, yes, I did sometimes ask for their opinions too. They are helpful. But since they are more on track and know what they are doing (at least in a way that I think of them), I sometimes felt a bit hesitating to share of my self-doubt. You know, negative feelings can spread out.

Yes, definitely I would like to try writing something more solid. I've to learn more on time-management in order to make a better balance on reading and writing, thesis and coursework. As I really want to finish my Phd, I really have to survive from all these stuff. (But anyway, do you send your reading notes, regardless relevant to your thesis, to your supervisor for comments? Or, you will only send writings exactly about your thesis, in the beginning stage?" I found a bit difficult to communicate with my supervisor, somekind of formality exist between me and my supervisor. How do you survive this? )

The last point concerning to have a second-supervisor. I once thought of that, and one of my phd friends suggested me not: To ask the professor that I intended to find as second supervisor, to be one of my internal examiner instead. I am still struggling here. I guess I would definitely need to consult him after his sabbatical, and ask for consent from my principal supervisor.

Thanks, really thanks for your comments. At least, sharing and hearing back from other phd really help a lot.


Full of self-doubt, anyone too?

Thought for awhile if I shoud post something here, I am just now full of self-doubt and hope for some comments.

I am in a four-year phd program in social science and is currently in my second term of the first year. I am not sure if other Phd students really change their topic frequently, but I really cannot fix my research topic and develop it in a research question. I am from another department of undergraduate. Why should my concern is related to the discipline I am in? Sometimes I even get stuck with question of this level. I know I should read and read in order to get it on track. But I have to devote 90% of the time to my coursework about methodology, theories and alike, which leave me little time to concentrate on my thesis. I am just wondering if that is common.....or I have to ask whether I am capable to finish my phd.

My supervisor is a nice person. However, he is the deparment-head-to-be which makes him extremely busy. I was only able to meet him twice last term for a 20-minutes session each! I am not sure if that was my problem because I haven't written something solid and fix a narrowly specified topic so that he can comment. Should I expect more from him or I should always focus on my responsibility first?

Lastly, I am also wondering what is 'Phd standard'. I know it may be inappropriate to compare in this sense, but I am very curious if I can equvalent thesis to journal articles? Journal articles are original too! So, approx. 1 thesis = 3 to 4 papers around? Hope I am not too silly to think in this way. But when I look at the past thesis titles in my department, it can vary from very broad to narrow topics.
I think I am certainly getting behind and have a very slow progress. Just feeling that overloaded with readings and self-doubt for months. Is anyone here did have this kind of feeling too during your phd period?