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In need of interview tips

Thanks jinkim,jinio and keep calm for your response. I reallyb appreciate your time on this issue.. I feel relaxced after reading it as i came to conclusion that the interview process is more of an informal type.
I actually sent my cv to my supervisor and informned me that he's comfortable with my background and will invite me for an interview after i submit a proposal.
Also any tips about proposal pls? I mean how many words, and what it includes..Though i have got a clue but i would like to further clarify..Thanks..

In need of interview tips

Season's greetings to every one..

I would like to have an idea of Phd studentship interview .What are the probable questions and for how long..


In need of interview tips

Seasons greetings to everi one..
I would like to know of how a Phd interview normally goes..Hw long it takes? and what area of questions are asked. Thanks