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Disadvantages of 1st PostDoc in same Institute for PhD?

======= Date Modified 12 Feb 2011 18:41:40 =======
======= Date Modified 12 Feb 2011 18:41:08 =======
I can't tell her that the only concern is a commitment from her unless it really is the only concern. That's why I'd love to figure out my plan now rather than wait until potential choices slip through my fingers. My PI is confident I'll find a quality postdoc job, but there's no way to guarantee there's one available that I'll enjoy. Meanwhile, I can spend my time applying or I can spend my time graduating. I think I just have to be upfront so I can get her opinion.


Disadvantages of 1st PostDoc in same Institute for PhD?

Thank you very much for the advice. I've gotten some pretty mixed responses, so it seems like I should still pursue a comprehensive job search while not ruling out that this may still be the best position for me. I plan to express my concerns and plans to the PI ASAP.

Thanks again,

Disadvantages of 1st PostDoc in same Institute for PhD?

I'll be graduating this summer (Neuroscience PhD) and have been offered to apply for a postdoc in a different lab but same institute I'm getting my PhD in. I love my institute and am very excited about the potential of the new lab and the work I'd be doing. But I've been told by others that it is a bad idea to stay in the same institute b/c people will suspect I was unable to get a job elsewhere (that is, they assume it was a favor). Moreover, it will limit my multi-institute experience which can provide a different type of insight (though the work I'd be doing is quite different than what I've been doing). I definitely trust this advice but don't know how to balance it with the benefits.

How concerned should I be? This is really bumming me out b/c I was excited about this opportunity, yet at the same time I really haven't looked elsewhere.

Thanks for any feedback!