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No Job 5 months after graduating.

consider what skills you developed that are not specific to just your field of study, and then look for jobs where you can use those skills. These can indeed be diverse (science writing.e.g).

Help us with feedback so we can get more PhDs working! looking for feedback at kolabtree.com/signup

topic for research proposal

best course of action is todo a LOT of reading on this topic. Then you will discover what the gaps are in knowledge in your field and you can go from there.

Just another PhD student thinking about quitting

ultimately it is up to you. having done a PhD, I thought it was worth sticking it out until I got my degree. But this is different for everyone. As far as your supervisors; you are also an important driver in the process and while they are your supervisors you are pushing the field forward with your PhD. Something to keep in mind as you consider your decisions. Whatever you do decide, good luck!

How much to charge for freelance research work?

hi there! Generally I think the guidelines already offered are very fair, as far as payment rates go. Keep in mind that when freelancing you have to keep in mind taxes and other expenses as well.

Out of curiosity, how do you get your freelance jobs right now? I am part of a group looking at a new way of bringing freelance academics and projects together and we are really actively looking for some feedback. Anyone willing to provide us with some feedback on this topic as well? It's quite relevant and related to the topic of pay rates for freelancers, as we hope to provide some guides here as well.