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Philosophy MA Manchester

If there's any current or recent postgrads and University of Manchester having studied or studying Philosophy in any form I'd love to talk to you. Basically, I don't know an awful lot about the dept but I was accepted relatively quickly like less than two weeks so I'm probably stupidly a little paranoid about the dept.

Please contact me or reply.

Looking at Masters courses, what to look out for when deciding on universities?

Hi there, I've decided I want to do a masters course in Philosophy Ma,I have some universities in mind but the problem I'm finding is I don'tknow how exactly to compare universities. There's far less informationon the universities for postgraduates than for undergraduates, I'vebeen able to find a recognised league table for philosophy at postgradlevel which is great but short of that I don't know where to start. Ivisited Bristol University last week and I didn't know really what Ishould be looking at. The main two things I am looking for is firstly agreat department and standard of teaching, then secondly a city whichhas a good music scene, for gigs and such, but the problem is I'm notsure exactly how to compare places. Like I don't know what I should belooking out for, there's no guides when visiting so it's harder thanvisiting for undergrad. I'm looking at UCL, Kings College, BirkbeckCollege, Bristol, Edinburgh and Leeds. Any input would be greatlyappreciated.:-(