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PhD Supervisor

I want to share you my experience if it helps, 2 year ago I accepted PhD offer, I am the first PhD student to my supervisor, she is a young professor. She is too much interested on the research but she does not have enough experience/ academic background on the topic. We struggled to shape the PhD proposal, sometimes she seek advise from senior professor and then she talk to me, do this,… do this. We changed the topic twice, and now I am now working on the third topic. In my PhD committee are some senior professors, they know a lot about what I am doing, one of him told me this can’t be a PhD topic at all, I agreed what he said. When I tell my professor about his comment, she will be angry. I spent 2 years swinging like pendulum, now I reduced my contact with the other PhD committee members, because they don’t agree with the topic at all. They want me to pick different topic. Recently I posted in this forum “quitting after two year”, this is one of the reason why I am quitting my PhD after two years. My case may be different from you but, just to share you my experience.

Quit after 2 year?

I am debating on whether to quit after 2 year? The motivation that I once had is no longer there. Lately, I lost interest in the PhD program/on the research 1) I am not learning new things and not showing progress 2) I didn’t like the name of the PhD, PhD in …. 3) Not sure what is available after PhD, 4) I don't want PhD degree, I just want to work in a private firm, if I have PhD I will be overqualified. I started looking for a job and recently I was offered one, I have accepted the offer. What should I say to my supervisor? This is too sudden and shocking to her? She is a very nice person to me and she trusts me a lot. I wasted her time and precious funds? I have already decided to quit, I know to walk away after two years is a shame, but I have no interest left. please give me some advice?