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Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

I think I'll be ok when I get to interview, it's just the actual waiting to see if I'll get one. I'm starting to get really concerned that they've forgotten about me or something!! I got a reply from postgraduate admissions not long ago who said that my paprerwork had been sent to the head of social work and he would contact me directly IF I get through to interview! Is it customary for it to take this long?

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

Hello again! Thanks for the advice. It's just a nail biting time at the moment. I've just had an email from Admissions, who have said that everything has been forwarded to the programme leader who will be in touch with me 'if' I get through to interview. I didn't htink they'd leave it so late! So, can I ask; what makes you want to do social work? What is it specifically? I just want to make sure I'm not gonna sound like an idiot in the interview!!

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

Hi. I'm new to the forum, so just want to say hi firstly.
I applied for the Social Work masters in Feb to Chester. I sent my qualifications and references off mid march, as this was the soonest my academic one could be done. Apparantly the've had a number of app's and are setting up further interviews in May. I'm just really worried I won't even get an interview and if I do that I'll be totally un-convincing in it. I'm trying to prepare but I'm not even sure if I'll get offered that. They said they don't require any work experience but all I've done at the mo is start a job at a college for adults with learning difficulties. Do you think this is sufficient? Sorry about the babbling, I'm really stressing about it!