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I just wanted to update about my viva. I passed :-)

The viva went really well and very quickly indeed....it lasted for about 2 hours and really didnt seem that long at all.

Thanks for everyones comments about my viva beforehand, they were really helpful.

THANKS again!



Thanks so much for your best wishes!

Luckily I had a really good meeting with my supervisor today and had a mock viva, it feels much less scary now. I still have some cramming to do, but thats just how I work I guess :-)

I think feeling generally confident that you have done the best you can is always a good starting point for a viva (well i hope)!

I have no publications (journals) yet although we are working on 2 at the moment, so talking about this in your viva is a good thing as well apparently. Hope this helps.

Cheers :-)


I am currently reading through my thesis again and making notes regarding areas that need more reading for viva.

I know exactly what you mean, you just pick up more typos, i have also made a list of all my errors found.

When is your viva? How are you feeling about the whole thing?



Thanks so much for your advice :-) It is nice to talk to others who have already been through it!

Does anyone else have any words of wisdom?



Thank you!!! I am currently reading though it :-) I am working my way through all the great advice!

I am not confident at all, i have had lots of problems with my supervisor and editting prior to submission and feel really uncertain about the state of my thesis. I have lost confidence in my work, which is giving me problems whilst i have been revising. I keep thinking to myself that i can't do this :-( hence giving massive amounts of fear ahhhhhh! hehe. ;-)

I'm mainly nervous because there is just so much to revise and obviously i can't learn absolutely everything, so its deciding which bits are the most important i guess?!

Thanks so much for your reply :-)



I am new to these forums, but have found them so helpful whilst i have been revising for my viva.

I am extremely nervous about it and really don't feel prepared. I have made lots of notes and i am continuing to revise. My viva is in a week now.

Has anyone got any advice, any tips?

I feel so down and upset about it for some reason and it is making me feel seriously under-confident.


Thanks in advance,
Elise :-)