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Upcoming Queen Mary Drama PHD interview


Thank you so much! That is all hugely useful advice. I am trying to address his concerns, but feel it is best to focus on solidifying my ideas rather than a mad dash to get more contemporary research material. I will deal with this research in more detail if I get an interview I think. I have condensed the reference material I was using down in order to give the argument a clearer direction and am addressing why QM is the ideal University for this thesis - I am researching the representation and exploration of temporality on stage, a subject which concerns key lecturers in drama, philosophy and literature at QM. I have also spent time on my personal statement, hoping that where there may be holes I do not have time to fully fill in the proposal, the statement of intent will demonstrate the capacity and passion to do so.

Thank you again for your reply and support :-)

Upcoming Queen Mary Drama PHD interview

Huge Congratulations on being offered the P.h.D and funding! You must be over the moon.

Sorry to tag on to your thread, but if you, or anyone else could offer any advice I would hugely appreciate it. I am currently applying for a PhD in drama at QM and the deadline is next Friday. I have contacted my potential supervisor and he says it has promise but the material is too broad, that I need to be much more specific grounding in relevant and recent theatre and performance scholarship and that my proposal needs to give a sense of how my project contributes to the intellectual field into which it intervenes.

As I said I only have a week and need to complete all the research documents, personal statements etc to apply for funding and the doctorate.

Any advice on how to improve on the proposal, and what to include in a strong research summary for funding would be gratefully received.

Many thanks, in advance :-)

Applying for a PhD at Queen Mary

Hi Everyone

I was wondering if you could offer any advice? I am applying for a P.h.D in Drama at Queen Mary's University. The deadline is next Friday and I am furiously working away at the application form, thesis proposal, research statement (for the studentship), personal statement etc.

I have never written a thesis proposal before and was wondering if you had any advice on the proposal, research statement or process of application in general.

I have contacted the department and have sent 2 potential supervisors my draft. Both seem to think it has potential, one of whom has responded with criticisms such as the scope of material is too broad and that the proposal must give a sense of how the project contributes to the intellectual field into which it intervenes.

He comments that in general, the proposal feels like it would benefit from much
stronger grounding in relevant and recent theatre and performance scholarship.

Any advice or anecdotes of experience would be most appreciated.
