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Postgrad Project help

i had a database when i was 12, but i grew out of it when i was 14. I dont really see that there are any problems to solve.

Taking a break after Undergraduate before Grad School

i really admire you, the longest i've passed out is 2 months,
just tell them you were developing your social skills.

Living cost of a PhD student

I think you'll find that media students are among the most employable people in the UK. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/4459922.stm,

Living cost of a PhD student

What's wrong with flipping burgers? At least you get job security, free food and a star if you do something good.

without a masters

thanks everyone for your comments and advice, I have been accepted for a part time scholarship which i am really happy with.

without a masters

golfpro- i started out with less formal teaching then after a while i was asked to lecture modules that were specific to my work as an RA. I have kept up to date in my field of research and have worked on major research projects it made sense for my department to choose me.

My experience is that academic credentials are very very useful, but they are not the be all and end all. It is your knowledge, enthusiasm and commitment that students admire and learn from, a PhD is merely one way of gaining that.

without a masters

You are right to say that very often RA jobs are best suited to people who have completed, or are completing a research degree. But there are also many quite senior 'academics' out there who dont have PhDs, I guess it really depends on the institution's policies and the suitability of the person.

The actual job i do involves a varied range of skills, including working on practice based and research based projects, so they needed someone who had a very specific range of skills and knowledge of software etc. I had also done some 'freebie' research assisting on some published work while i was an undergrad, so that really helped.

I'd bear in mind that most RAs are on short term contracts, i've had 5 in the last two years, so it can feel quite insecure. You may also find that with a studentship they may also want you to take on other commitments such as research or teaching as part of the deal. So think carefully whether you can balance everything.

without a masters

thanks xjr, i've already undertaken a few research methods modules to help me with with my RA work, so hopefully i'll be in good stead.

without a masters

i'm gonna be applying for AHRC funding this year but i dont have a masters. i got a 1st in my BA and i've been working as a research assistant for the last two years. I've been heavily involved in other people's research projects and have presented at conferences, written proposals and undertaken lecturing etc etc

I am confident that i have the aptitude and ability to go the distance and i have a well thought out and original idea for a topic

I was just wondering if anyone else has applied without a masters and whether they'll just shove it straight in the no pile.

many thanks