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Thanks very much for the advice!!

I did think it was a little unusual but probably just doing his housekeeping duties. I've got another interview lined up for a big organisation so it would be fantastic if i was successful in the one i had just there. But at the end of the day..... every interview is experience :-)

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I've just arrived home after a fairly successful PhD interview. I was told i was the last interviewee of 14 applicants. However, just as we were finishing up the head of the interview panel told me that it was a highly competitive programme with 14 prospective candidates and if i don't hear in the next week then i haven't been accepted. I've been speaking to a few people and they have said they have never experienced this sort of thing at the end of an interview. Does it basically mean i have been unsuccessful and this is another way of telling me? I'm hoping that as i was the last person they saw that i will be fresh in the back of their minds. Has anyone experienced this before? I was expecting to be told this at the beginning of the interview or not at all due to the fact that its common knowledge that these positions are competitive.