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My PhD Advisor is Ignoring Me. What to do?

I am in a rather worrisome spot, I believe. I have been a PhD student for 4 years now and I have been doing active research for about 18 months. I am well done my classroom requirement. At first, my professor did respond to me and we had regular meetings either every 1 or 2 weeks. Recently though, I have gotten only silence. This seems to be reverse of what I read where at first students are ignored and then appreciated as they get along in the process. What can I do? I certainly am not ready to quit, not now, not at this point. I really don't need help in the research I am doing or knowing what I am supposed to do, it is really just the more administrative tasks of signing up for research credits, forming a committee, having a well-defined task which is mine and mine alone and of course defending at the end.