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how much money you earn ??

Hello. Well, simple question: how much? do you expect better conditions in the future (postdoc jobs...)??

mindmapping software & pdf's management

is there Qiqqa for Linux ?? I have a program for the .exe files, but doesn't work...

mindmapping software & pdf's management

I was reading the forum, I see we all have the same problems ;-)

I want to find any information I need in my huge collection of papers. I don't like to waste my time looking for a formula, or definition, or theorem... I would like to put a word in a searcher, and then get the parts of my papers where that word appears. I have a lot of papers, sometimes I feel I am working in a library, not investigating.

I will try the software you suggested me. Thanks!! :-)

mindmapping software & pdf's management

Hello all. I'm searching some mind-mapping software for manage my PDF's (lot of them!!). I know SciPlore Mindmapping, but I cannot install it (appears a message: this requires java 1.6.0-1.6.9, but I have java 1.6.0 already!!).

So, is there any other software to manage my pdf's.


Theoretical Physics in the UAM of Madrid

Hi !

I am doing my first year in the Theoretical Physics Master in the UAM of Madrid.

I don't know really what to do after this, phd?, working?... working on what?... Any of you have made a theoretical physics master? what are you now doing?.


High Energy Physics phD? where?

I did, but there is no one :(

Another question. I am not english, so in some programmes they ask for a TOEFL test. What is that? where I can get my score in a TOEFL test?

High Energy Physics phD? where?

Hello. I am looking for a phD on High Energy Physics, or Theoretical Physics. Do you know where could I find it??. Thanks a lot