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Supervisor micromanagement issues

Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone could give me some advice about my current situation. I began a PhD last year and although things appear to be going to plan in terms of productivity, I feel that my supervisor's constant micromanagement is chipping away at my self confidence and any autonomy that I should be developing. I had a conversation with my supervisor about how I am beginning to feel that I no longer 'own' my project and that I feel that I am not coming up with ideas of my own and he point blank stated 'you don't need to come up with any ideas, I will do that'. It shocked me so much I didn't know how to reply to that - in part because I am largely reliant on him for learning the more technical aspects of any analyses I am running. I do however feel that he has contributed to this feeling of dependency by essentially ordering me to run certain things and then backtracking if I don't get significant results or results that 'make sense'. Although I go along with his suggestions, I have been growing more and more resentful of him. There have been moments when I haven't understood how run some of the analyses because it is totally new to me and I have felt frustrated enough to want to cry in front of him, because he doesn't offer any empathy whatsoever, in fact his only advice was 'look at the code.. look at the code.. are you looking at it?'. Recently he has asked me to support work of undergraduate students by helping them (aka 'telling them') how to run analyses. At one point he asked me to co-supervise a project a day before a student's hand-in date which involved me having to edit her work heavily to demonstrate signs of supervision... supervision which he actually should have been providing the undergraduate student with. I've demonstrated great patience so far, but I feel that it is very hard to remain sane under these working conditions. Can anyone offer any me advice, perhaps if they have encountered a similar type of character?