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How to deal with nasty, arrogant a**holes

I just wanted to say thank you everyone for your replies. It's been really helpful to read through your thoughts. Like many of you have said, I suppose there are people like this in every industry and I need to learn how to not let these sorts of people make me feel bad. I've taken on board what has been said here and I'm going to move on from this. Life is too short. I should have more faith in myself and realise that some people, for whatever reason, are going to be mean and hurtful. I shall also continue to try and be a good team member in the lab by not behaving in such an unpleasant manner. Least that way I can hold my head up!
Thank you again for your thoughts.
Mighty Mousse

How to deal with nasty, arrogant a**holes


it wasn't a deliberate deletion - I just assumed I would be tacking onto the end of the original post, but didn't want it to replicate the original message. Any way, I do value everyone’s feedback, so I do want my post on here! (Plus, as you say, it might help someone else in the future)

So, my original post was about the fact that I've just started my PhD, and have moved across to a discipline which is new to me. So there's a big learning curve. The other day I was in the lab when another PhD student came over and started asking some technical questions which, to be honest, I found difficult to answer. They then proceeded to say that my project was rubbish and a waste of time, and that I should be doing something more useful. They followed this by stating that my supervisor is also rubbish (who I happen to think is fantastic) and that even they knew more than my sup! It turns out that they are well known for being unpleasant to other PhD students and seem to be proud of the fact that they have made other people in the lab cry.

The main reason for my post was to get things off my chest as I was left feeling quite upset about it all. I happen to think my PhD is worthwhile and interesting, but as it contains a slightly philosophical aspect which is being examined through empirical methods, the PhDer in question told me it was rubbish and that I should be looking at more concrete things.

In my original post I asked if this was normal behaviour. I've just started, so I'm hoping that this isn't the way people treat their colleagues. I expect constructive criticism and look forward to being better at justifying myself, but to be told that everything I'm doing is "sh*t" (the words they used, not mine), when feeling a little out of my depth at this early stage, really upset me. So I also asked if anyone had any advice.

Sorry again for the deletion.

How to deal with nasty, arrogant a**holes

======= Date Modified 07 42 2009 09:42:13 =======
Thank you everyone for your feedback. I suppose I just have to get some thicker skin