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How important is it to be in a department with other phd students?

Hey all, having been a silent observer of this forum for a while, now seems a good time to ask for your wise advice! I am looking to start a phd in september, but my dilemma is do I:
a) go for the department where i have been working with my potential supervisor for the last 6 months and have built up a good working relationship, but where the department does not have any other phd students.
or b) approach a department where I haven't worked with a potential supervisor but where there is an active phd student body for support, advice etc.
I can't find any previous threads along these lines, and am interested to know the degree of importance you attach to having other phd students around you for bouncing ideas off etc. What are your experiences if you moved to a uni or city where you didn't know anybody and there are no students in your department? Thank you!