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MA HRM leading to CIPD location

Hello, Ive been accepted on to the MA in Human Resource Management at Newcastle, Northumbria and Durham. and don't know which one to choose. All the courses appear to be ni on identical as far as the content is concerened. I've had a look at the university league tables which places Durham highest followed by Newcastle then Northumbira.

Does anyone know which uni has the best reputation of HRM? or any other advice about which one to choose?

Thanks Michael

Masters after Sport Scieince degree

very true cheeky man

Masters after Sport Scieince degree

Hi, Im just about to finish a degree in sport science and am looking for a masters to do. I would like to try and change into a different field, possibly bussiness, but not sure what my options are. Could anyone please help me if they know anything.

Cheers Michael