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Contradicting Examiners Reports: Pass with correction vs Resubmit

Hi Psychresearcher and Meaninginlife,
thank you so much for your feedback. Two days ago a received feedback regarding my thesis. two examiners passed me with minor corrections. the third examiner recommended i resubmit the thesis after major corrections. the Report i received was that the committe could not reach a consensus since the third examiner insisted on me re-submitting the thesis. Having received the reports from the three examiners, i was so shocked from the report from the one who asked for a resubmition. It was so contradictory to the other two reports. it felt like this examinor never had a chance to go through my thesis, there was more anger in the report than examination. I persued my studies in a South African university which does not have vivas and therefore their decisions entirely depend on the committee. I am so gutted because everything the third supervisor wants is in the thesis and would have loved to have a chance to defend my work. the changes suggested are going to contradict the good comments made by the other two supervisors.

Contradicting Examiners Reports: Pass with correction vs Resubmit

Hi everyone,
thank you so much for your feedback. Two days ago a received feedback regarding my thesis. two examinors passed me with minor corrections. the third examinor recommended i resubmit the thesis after major corrections. the Report i received was that the committe could not reach a consensus since the third examiner insisted on me re-submitting the thesis. Having received the reports from the three examinors, i was so shocked from the report from the examinor who asked for a resubmition. It was so contradictory to the other two reports. it felt like this examinor never had a chance to go through my thesis, there was more anger in the report than examination. I persued my studies in a South African university which does not have vivas and therefore their decisions entirely depend on the committee. I am so gutted because everything the third supervisor wants is in the thesis and would have loved to have a chance to defend my work. the changes suggested are going to contradict the good comments made by the other two supervisors.

Contradicting Examiners Reports: Pass with correction vs Resubmit

Hi everyone,
I recently submitted my PhD thesis for examination. I would like to know what doctoral approval committees normally decide in the case where one examiner recommends a pass while the other recommends a resubmission.