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Postgrad Forum Hall of Fame

I passed my Viva with no amendments at the end of July, submitted hardbound copies last week... and today I got my letter of conferment. I'm a Doctor now!!! I can't believe it after the really bumpy ride I had. I had my research topic approval suspended... and my supervisory team changed twice!!! Thank you Phd forum... I've been a rather shy contributor, but it was very useful to know I was not the only one going through similar trouble.
I got there in the end too ;)

'Meltdown Mode' - I am in it, how do I get out of it?

Hi anon007
I find that the best thing I can do when I am so overwhelmed that I cannot even think is to have a shower or a cup of tea/coffee and then make a list of things to do. Then I prioritize and assign a period of time for each thing, work on it, and then move onto the next thing when the assigned time is over. I might not finish absolutely everything I need to do, and I might not be as perfect as I'd like but at least that way I get over the panic and stop wasting time on things that are not essential (which is something I have a tendency to do). Alternatively, is any chance that you can delay the submission date until Monday? If your changes are so big it might be worth to have a go and ask. Good luck!