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PhD colleague discussing my matters with supervisors

Hello all
I am writing to ask for advice as to what to do with a situation that has been affecting me negatively on a psychological level. I have a PhD colleague who lives with me and who likes to always tell me about how she has a special bond with my supervisors. Indeed, she is friends with one of them. She asked me a number of times about their performance as supervisors, and I always tried to divert the discussion to a different topic as I don't like gossiping about my supervisors with others. However, a few times she mentioned to me that she had discussed my matters with them, some of which I considered a bit personal and I wouldn't like other people to interfere with, which made me feel really uncomfortable.
The fact that in front of me she discusses other colleagues/seniors/students in a very derogatory manner and then acts so nicely with them is making me feel even more insecure about the nature of discussions she had with my supervisors about me.
I wanted to email my supervisory team and ask to kindly not discuss me with other colleagues, but I hesitated as one of them as I said is a friend of hers. Has anyone experienced a similar thing and how did you deal with it?
Thanks in advance.