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Finding congresses

Doh, yeah I'm studying in France and they call them 'congrès' here, I just made a half-arsed translation! I do really mean 'conference'!
Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.

Finding congresses

Hello good people,
Does anyone have any cunning tricks for finding congresses at which to attend and/or present their work? I mean, aside from the obvious 'ask your supervisor', 'type it in google'...
Are there any particular websites that list congresses by category?

I've been told by my ever-so helpful supervisor, as with everything during my phd, to 'go and find it yourself'. How did you guys go about this, when/if told the same thing?

Thanks a million billion in advance!! :-)

Making the best use of Time

Hi - first of all I'm really impressed with how motivated you sound - I wish I could get my arse into gear like you! It sounds to me like you have what it takes, and although I no nothing of what it's like to look after a child, it sounds like you've got it organised already.

Secondly I was wondering what sort of subject is your science-based non-lab PhD? Because I've just started doing the same, and finding it a bit difficult to see the whole vision of the 3 years, how I'm going to get data if I'm not generating it myself but still need data to feed my project, and how to be the 'driver' of my project when I don't have a clue how to proceed right at this moment..!

Anyway hope the 1st day went well and best wishes for the following days/weeks/years!

Raw data from publications (to use for PBPK model!)

Hi all -

Don't know if anyone's still reading after my mention of PBPK model, but just in case!- I have just started a Phd in PBPK modelling (physiologically based pharmacokinetic) - in France! (I'm english...) and since it is not lab-based at all I will need to find data to build, develop, test the model... in your experience, what is the best way to get this data? Can you just email the authors of publications and ask them for their raw concentration data, or are there any useful websites with data for marketed drugs etc?

Specifically, it's a PBPK model for the brain, so I also need concentrations in brain or brain microvessels etc, which will be slightly more difficult to find, I fear...