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Living in Manchester and doing my Phd in Nottingham...is that realistic?

Hi all and thank you very much for your replies and your tips!!! I'll try it and see if and how it works; However, the cost of trains and accommodation for a few days every month is something that I have to take into serious consideration...

Living in Manchester and doing my Phd in Nottingham...is that realistic?

Thanks for your reply pamplemousse. What worries me most is what you said: spend a lot of time thinking when I'll get home!!!

Living in Manchester and doing my Phd in Nottingham...is that realistic?

Thanks for your speedy reply smoobles! It seems that I need to organise and plan things (and especially time) very well if I want to make it. The fact that there are alternatives is very positive.
However, I'm still considering the option of Leeds Met Uni. I have a meeting there next week and I will make up my mind after...hopefully.

Living in Manchester and doing my Phd in Nottingham...is that realistic?

Thanks very much for the tips smoobles. It seems to be difficult but possible. By the way, do you carry huge amounts of books home or do visit Uni anytime that you need an additional book or journal?

Living in Manchester and doing my Phd in Nottingham...is that realistic?

Thanks for your replies! I'm starting feeling that maybe it is not impossible. My area of study is Business and Management with specification in Tourism, so I have no labs to attend. Concerning the train is less than 4 hours (its about 2.5-3) but there is no direct train (2-3 changes) and then 20-30 minutes from the railway to the campus.
There is also an interest from Leeds Metropolitan University about my research...It's only an hour from Manchester but Nottingham Uni seems to be more organised, reputable and much higher in the rankings.

Living in Manchester and doing my Phd in Nottingham...is that realistic?

Hi everybody!!! I'm 31 and starting my Phd in January at Nottingham University, however I'm living in Manchester and I can not move to Nottingham. I'm planning to stay there only 3-5 days per month and maybe travelling (by train) 1-2 more times during the month. Do you think that this plan is realistic? I'm afraid that I will miss key-contacts, additional non-compulsory lectures or seminars and other facilities that the University offers. It's a good opportunity for me to study at this specific Uni but it includes a lot of travelling I'm afraid and I'm not sure if I can make it...