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Being selective when applying for PhDs

I'm currently looking to apply for a PhD, hoping to start January in the UK (UK resident). I have seen some topics which I am not 100% sure about applying for but generally I haven't seen many topics which are within my area of interest.

Is it wise to wait for the perfect topic or to apply for a PhD which is perhaps not entirely what you are looking for? Obviously there is a balancing act here since if I wait for a perfect topic I feel I might be waiting too long but on the other hand I feel that I might end up applying for a topic I might find I dislike some way down the line.

I'm wary that a) October is almost here so topics are probably drying up (Is this true?), b) that January may be the last chance to start a Phd unless I want to wait 13 months.

To put another way, for those that found a topic (and thus didn't propose their own), how far did you have to deviate from your own interest area if at all and how long did you have to wait until a suitable topic come up?

Thanks for reading