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drop out of this PhD , start a new one

can you drop out of a PhD, then re apply to do another one some where else , or does the fact that you have been on a PhD programme already go against you

Is my viva my last chance ? I think I failed my PhD already

just wanted to say a thanks to everyone who has replied to this post- your time and advice is valued and much appreciated - will keep you updated

viva is next week- tues 7th - I am very nervous

Is my viva my last chance ? I think I failed my PhD already

I ran out time through taking on lecturing job and just being maxed out at work, and I had no more time left as had an extension and couldn't have another
My supervisor retired then I got another one , I had moved city by then and just never saw my new one

Is my viva my last chance ? I think I failed my PhD already

Hi looking for advice and support really. I have my viva in early jan 2014 and I am wondering if by doing a good viva I can convince examiners to give me another shot at writing my PhD. I submitted after a drama of losing work on a laptop and just running out of time to complete my phd - so only 3/4 of it was done.
Plus to boot its in a real state - my supervisor never saw it and I had to submit or fail. I feel like the viva will just be hours of humiliation as the writing was poor and not fit for a phd, is there any way a viva can convince examiners to give time to do a full rewrite and submit again or is it a case of forget it and I will walk into the viva only to be told thanks for coming but you have failed. Any advice or support much appreciated, I feel pretty much alone with this problem. Thanks