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Predoctoral FELLOWSHIP applications - failed grade

You are right, very perceptive! I AM in the States. I have edited my original post to reflect this.

Predoctoral FELLOWSHIP applications - failed grade

You are right, very perceptive! I AM in the States. I have edited my original post to reflect this.

Predoctoral FELLOWSHIP applications - failed grade

======= Date Modified 18 05 2010 21:05:51 =======
Hello! :-)

I am a fresh second year PhD student IN THE STATES. I have a question regarding pre-doctoral fellowship applications. I have passed all my first year classes (YAY!) but have failed ONE one-credit seminar course. It's attendance-based course where you go and basically have a department-wide "lab mtg." They failed a bunch of people based on lack of attendance, but REGARDLESS I have a one-credit FAIL on my transcript.

Does this matter a lot?

Should I scrap all plans for fellowship applications? :-(

I have talked to a few people and it seems that the NSF might be now out of my reach (like it ever was, ha!) but I may be fine for NIH F31 and DoD NDSEG.

If you have any information regarding this, please please please reply! Thank you very much!!