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Please Help; I'm new. Having Serious issues with my Phd Advisor

Hello Soulstar,
You are describing exact situation that I have experienced during my PhD. My supervisor couldnt "see the forest through the trees" as well so she didnt even want to look at chapters before all manuscript was ready and she was also insisting (even forbidding) to send the manuscript to other members of committee before it is corrected by her. She wasnt helpful in interpretation of results also, so she started to get the idea of my work after all thesis was completely written. When it was written, she was out of office for 3 months! and email contact was not possible as well. Basically I was in deep s....t. I needed to postpone my defence few months. I stayed without money, waiting for her corrections to finish my thesis. She was changing mind all the time, made me re-write stuff and finally coming back to first versions of chapters.. Living hell that took a lot of wasted time.
But finally I defend, became a Dr. and trying to not fall into working with people like that any more in my life!
I trained my patience during this PhD and learn a lot of autonomy due to the conditions I was put into. I learnt also to be suspicious, especially when things look good on the paper.
Wish you courage to finish your PhD