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Supervisor moving to new uni. Can I?

Indeed, my supervisor does want me to go with. I found this on the Oxford postgrad website
"Can I transfer to Oxford to complete my course?
Generally, no. You can only transfer to Oxford from another university if you are accompanying your supervisor, who is coming to take up a post at Oxford. In addition, the majority of your coursework will need to be undertaken at Oxford."

I will only be part way through my first year, so it does sound promising in this instance. No?

Supervisor moving to new uni. Can I?

My supervisor is probably moving to a new university (Oxford) and I'd really like to move with him (there isn't really anyone else doing my sort of thing at my current uni and it'd be better for me personally). Does anyone know what you have to do to transfer a PhD to a new uni, or how to set it up to be a dual-centre arrangement? Does Oxford even accept transfers? My funding is from a charity, so I'm not sure how that will affect things.