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What did you do right at the very end?

The final four weeks were quite a frantic time for me. I still had the conclusion chapter to do, and at the same time I was waiting for my sv's comments on the fourth chapter. I had to check and re-check the bibliography, check the spelling and grammar, table of contents, etc.
I submitted the thesis online a few days before the final date. I was in a hurry to submit due to some reasons, so I didn't actually show the final version to my sv. Later he sounded kind of upset as I didn't show him the final version.
I remembered celebrating the final submission date with a lunch with my husband. Looking back, I think I expected to have a much bigger celebration but couldn't have one as I was still unemployed !

what would you do ?

Thanks everyone for the views.

Both are permanent post : one at a sixth-form college and another at a university college.

I actually contacted the first institution to negotiate a better salary, but the admin people told me that it was a management decision and nothing could be done about it.

So yes, I am going for the second option, not just for better pay, but also better future opportunities, flexibility,etc. Besides, I've been broke for 2 years already and need to pay off my debtors :D

Thanks again.

what would you do ?

Hi everyone

After being jobless for almost 2 years, I recently received two teaching offers - one which is 20 minutes away (by car) and the pay's so-so. Another is 40 minutes away but the pay is 40 percent more than the first one.
I am in a dilemma to choose the right job, more so since we have a two-month old baby, and another toddler. We really need the money though.
My other half tells me to choose the second one but I am not sure if I will enjoy the commuting.

What would you do if you were in my shoes ?

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spam !

Dear Moderators

Please do something about the spam. The spammers are taking over our PG forum at a rate of one new post every 10 minutes !

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spam again

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our forum is now a spam magnet. Yikes !

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admin - spammer again.

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Waiting for viva

Your words are indeed reassuring. Thanks Wowzers :)

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spammer alert !

BoY VaShIkArAn sPeCiAlIsT MoLvI Ji +91-9610891318 in canada

the spammers are hard at work again !

OnLy lOvE VaShIkArAn sPeCiAlIsT MoLvI Ji +91-9610891318 in australia


Waiting for viva

Hi everyone, how has it been ?

I submitted my thesis in April and will soon have my viva next month. Since coming back from the UK where I did my PhD, I haven't been lucky job-wise. I have been doing translation and proofreading jobs and that's about it. In terms of health matters, I had a miscarriage last week, which is the third time in my PhD candidature. I hope to get well soon to be able to attend my viva next month. Anybody having their viva soon ?

PhD Resubmission, Feelings of Inadequacy Watching Peers

Hi literary theorist

You are not alone in feeling down and in the dumps as I'm feeling the same way now ! I've got 50 days to submit my thesis and am currently doing corrections to my first draft. I feel like what I'm doing is not good enough for my Supervisor ( I'm doing Literature too !) and have felt like crying many many times. I can only suggest you to remain positive and take frequent breaks whenever you can. You can do it; it's just a little bit more ! Good luck !