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Getting published in an Academic Journal

Thank you so much for your responses phdbug! The list of possible student academic publications was exactly what I was looking for. I feel like I have an adequately high goal set for myself. And thanks for the research tips as well.

Getting published in an Academic Journal

Well thanks for the suggestion. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. So far I've only found the German History Society, and it seems very prestigious.

Getting published in an Academic Journal

Oh, well that definitely sounds interesting. Do you know where I might find one related to German history..?

Getting published in an Academic Journal

Sneaks- Sadly, none exist beyond the school newspaper. And, really, I know no one knows anything about me on this forum, but I do feel I'm beyond that level. Just as a reference point for my "skill level" (or whatever you want to call it) I have won a state award for historical research, given by the governor. I mean, I have a pretty hefty bibliography already. I feel stupid saying that, as if I'm trying to "show off," but I just want to give you an idea.

Probably, this would end up being published, if ever, in college (as I probably won't do graduate studies in history) but I actually enjoy this sort of thing, and it's always nice to have something BIG to work towards as well.

Getting published in an Academic Journal

Thanks for your honest response CeCeF. Really, I've just exhausted most outlets in my high school and I'd really like to go farther with this project I've researched for over a year now. Attempting to publish in a journal would just be a goal. Whether or not I DO get published is less important, I guess. Right now, I'm just thinking about logistics.

Getting published in an Academic Journal

"High school senior" is, in America, the last year of public education. I'm 18. Thank you for the input as well!

Getting published in an Academic Journal

First off, I'm a high school senior. Basically, I'd just like to know if it's possible to be published in a journal when I'm not even doing my undergrad yet. Obviously, I know it's not typical, that the work would have to be outstanding and all of that. Would it be more feasible if I collaborated with a professor from my local college?

The only reason I ask is because I'm basically done with high school now, I'll have a lot of free time in January - May, and I've already done a lot of research on the related topic.

Also, this would be a history paper on the topic of Joseph Goebbels, if that's helpful.