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Help! Should I get this Mphil?

Thanks Ian.
The first year was not that hard, because (1) there were still course work and class, and no baby (2) I am a self-disciplined person and do not allow myself to withdraw without a series of battles...I think that is why I choose to quit only after 2 years.
Originally I thought I could go through the Mhpil for 3 months, but it does not seem to be the case now. My supervisors want me to target a high good journal as an end of it...I understand they do this because of their self-interest too, afterall they have invested all the effort and time in it.

Help! Should I get this Mphil?

Thanks for everybody's reply.
Here is my story.
(1) Why I join the PhD program: I have to admit that when I first joined it, I did not really have a strong desire to become an academia, it was just an option to me--go for job seeking, or another degree, I took the latter. I have no idea what PhD life would be until I joined it.
(2) Why I am giving it up: During the first year of my PhD, shortly after I joined in, I got pregnant and then gave birth my daughter. I continued it on a part-time basis for another 9 months. It was very very hard, everyday I feel sooooo tired. In the last three months, I lived on pain killers and other pills and my health was highly declining. If at the end of the day, I am certain that I would like to be an academia, I will carry on no matter what, however, I do not see myself with such a strong desire, so I choose to give up, for the sake of my own health, well-being and my family.
(3) My topic: after around 6 months in the program, I already feel that my supervisor and me share with different minds in research. He is, no doubt, a very smart and responsible supervisor. However, somebody is good does not mean somebody suits you. Now, at this moment, I just feel that, my passion towards the topic has lost so much during the procedure. It would be OK for me to work on the thesis for another 3 months for get the Mhpil, but another year, I could not image what it will be like for me.

For the above reasons I post this message here for ask for opinions.

Help! Should I get this Mphil?

Quote From TreeofLife:
If you are not planning to work in Academia, most employees couldn't care less about whether you have two postgrad degrees. If your heart is not in it, you may as well leave. Do what your instinct tells you to do.

Thanks for this. I think originally I proposed to "continue" it, because I feel that the last 2 years have been such a waste, if I do not get a degree out of it.
My instinct does tell me it does not really worth it, however I do not know how much I should trust my instinct.
Is it the case that, Mphil will only give you any help in life if you would like to become academia? What about just an employee in university (e.g., admin jobs, etc.), or some business analyst positions in companies?

Help! Should I get this Mphil?

Quote From Dont_Run_On_Time:

I guess if you want to be a business analyst in a company if your MA is from a 'prestigious' university then the MPhil might not count for a lot. Likewise if you're looking to start your own business.

I'm assuming that whether you're a full-time student or not isn't going to have an impact on your visa status. Obviously I don't know your situation and I have only thought of this because you said your fees are £7k.

However, I wouldn't be rushed into any decisions. My university allows PhD students up until the end of Oct to decide if they wish to continue.

Thanks for your advice. I am EEA family member so I have no problem for visa. I do have some concerns about the job prospect, as it is so difficult to find a job now in the U.K. and whether an additional Mphil will increase my chance, and it seems "nicer" that after 1 year full time and 9 month part time, I got another degree out of it.
However, the Mphil I am going to get is from a less prestigious university than the one I obtained from my MA (it was top 5 in the UK). Also I got the feeling that British employers do not really care for an additional Mphil.

Help! Should I get this Mphil?

Please anybody any comment is welcomed. I am asked to make a decision in the next 5 days!

Good viva, bad result

I have known sb that after several years in the phd program, finally got Mphil, even after big correction. I already decided to quit the phd since I am a mother, no time and have no desire to be an academia.
Did your supervisors said anything?

Help! Should I get this Mphil?

I have been doing my PhD for one year full time, and another 9 month part time in a U.K. university, in the Business School. However, after serious consideration, I don't want to stay in academia anymore so I suggest to my supervisors that I would like to leave with Mphil.
I have already finished all my course works and training modules, the only thing missing is one final thesis. Originally I thought that would be easy.
However, my supervisors would like me to write an article in my topic and post it to a good journal, meanwhile produce a good quality thesis, in order not to be questioned in my viva. The problem is, I know my supervisors are very detailed focus academia and they would make this procedure very slow. In this case, even though I do not want to become an academia, in order to finish this final thesis, I might need to work another one year. I am self-funded student, which means that it would be another 7000 pound! In addition my supervisors strongly suggest me not to start job seeking before I submit my journal article and thesis!
I am 28 now, a mother of two, I really want to start my own career. If I do what they required, it might take me until 30 to find an enter position job. My ideal job would be a business analyst in the company, and finally have my own business. How much benefit will this extra Mphil will bring me?Btw, I have already got a MA in business study in another university in the U.K.
Any comment on this matter is welcomed.