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body image/facebook

hi there, rather than an in depth study it is a journalism article therefore will be using stats etc which are already in existence am just looking for personal case studies and to speak to people rather than an in depth study - thanks for the advice though.

body image/facebook

Ok no worries thank you for sharing!

body image/facebook

Hi all, I'm a postgrad student doing some research for my masters dissertation into facebook and body image and the sometimes negative effects which social media can have on the way people perceive themselves.

Was wondering what people (16+) thought about facebook, has it ever made you worry about your weight/body? Be more critical about yourself? Spark off or worsen an eating problem?

I'm looking to write an article exploring this and was wondering if there were any people aged 16-30 ish with any thoughts on this and if anyone would be happy to chat to me about it. I know from chatting with some of my mates it sometimes causes us to be a bit more critical about ourselves and worry about our weight.

Please reply to this thread with any thoughts ASAP or I can give a private email if you would prefer.

Anything would be really helpful!
Thanks in advance