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Finding PhDs abroad & when r most PhDs available


A quick couple of questions... first I was wondering if this time of year (Jan-Feb) is when most of the PhD projects come available. Do those running this site have stats on this?

With regards to finding PhD projects and funding outside of the UK, e.g. in Northern Europe, Canada, Singapore, USA, Hong Kong, where can one search for these? Earlier in the forum people have mentioned the Uni of Amsterdam's website, but that hasn't been any help. If anyone has any particular information about any of the countries listed above that would be helpful (especially re. biological sciences). Is there are findaphd.com for any of these countries? In the US, are PhD courses advertised, or do students generally have to approach staff directly with suggestions? And is entry onto a PhD in the US really that tough.... and how does this compare to Canada?

Thanks in advance for all your help