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Fear of Public Speaking

Hey Jen,

Nice to know that you're interested to know how to overcome the number one fear of all time. :) I've been able to write much about this subject of public speaking, but here I am gonna share to you two things that I do to help me ease my fear every single time I go on stage. (yeah, I still have the nerves even after many years of experience):

1. Preparation is KEY. I believe that the number one reason why people fear public speaking so much is because they don't feel equipped to do it. They do not have the necessary preparation to back them up. When you're equipped, you're confident about yourself and others.

2. Practice, Practice, Practice. This is a crucial step in preparing for a speaking engagement. Most people leave it all to memory or luck. Not me. I always make it a point to practice AT LEAST 3 times before I go out of the house for my speaking engagement.

I hope that helps.. but if you like to know more how I do it, here is my website:

Just check out the things I've talked about there. I'm sure you'll find something that could help you better.
