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oh no- someone else published on my topic first!

Thank so much, feeling much less anxious now and able to move forward with positive action !

oh no- someone else published on my topic first!

I had an awful feeling this might happen - my area is very specialised and whilst Ive got a number of conferences papers (over a few years) under my belt - someone else has beat me to it and published whats essentially the content of my introduction chapter (e.g oulines the topic, lit review, etc) in a decent journal. Ok, theres no data their end, but I still feel a bit cross with myself that I didnt prioritise time to try to publish earlier and make my mark.

In the absence of my supervisor, can someone reassure me?!:-(


Has anyone else read this book by Jane Robinson? I read it on holiday and found it quite humbling - to hear how difficult it was for women to study in the past. My grandmother was at university in the twenties and Im only just realising how amazing that was!

part time PhD students

Thanks for that, its really encouraging to hear your experience. Some weeks I can do quite a few hours (10-15) but that would be in short bursts (2 hours) around the kids and work, so whilst I can read articles and plan things, writing is really very hard unless I basically just go at it every night pretty much straight after tea so i dont loose the thread. The reality is that most of the time, its around 8 hours, as on top of that I have to fit in any other related activity as well (like sv). I think whats hard now is the sense that im standing still - theres quite a few outputs in terms of conferences and stuff, but the core business doent seem to move much ! Im going to try and get that book about "15 mins a day" as I think as you say, its keeping the momentum going. And- like most part timers, Ive had the usual "life" stuff thats a distraction (serious family illness, kids school stuff, etc). But - I do love my subject and its more that I find it frustrating (and isolating) not to be able to work on it without disruption.

Its so helpful to be reassured that it can be done, it really sounds like you have persevered and been determined, and I will hold onto that so thank you. (up)

part time PhD students

Im a P/timer and its hard going ! Im around 18 months in with - at this rate - another 3-4 yrs to go as I also work in my related field. Any tips to keep my spirits up would be welcome, and would love to hear from anyone who is ending who has managed to complete their PhD 1-2 days a week. Thanks ! ,-)