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Postdoc Fellowship for international students in US

Hi, I am about to finish PhD in August 2017 from India. I am looking for the Postdoc fellowship funding source to pursue work in a university in US.
Prof is willing to have me in his laboratory provided I can secure a funding. My field is heat transfer, fluid and thermal science. Any suggestion is highly appreciated.

Humboldt Fellowship in Germany

Hello guys. I am wondering if anybody has applied to Humboldt Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers in Germany. I need to understand the application process. Basically what are the Important points to be consider while applying online. I have a confirm academic host, they himself have advised me about this fellowship.

Prof's response on Postdoc in Germany

Yep. I have not been interviewed. It is actually postdoc fellowship. Seems I have missed something in communication with Prof.. Thanks for your inputs.

Prof's response on Postdoc in Germany

That may be the case but Prof said, it sounds interesting and we intend to give you a postdoc schol for one year. you can start after you finished Ph.D. We have lot of students from your country in our university. So you can feel familiar. city has cheap living costs.

Other part of the msg was technical details, where they told me about lab facilities. I had few good publications in exactly same field. No where they said to conduct interview. and it seemed to me a direct offer. But please judge and suggest me on further course of action. as I have no experience in this.


Did you have an interview face to face or over Skype?
If not then I think you might have misunderstood what he meant.
Are you absolutely sure you have been offered the job?
I ask because you used the phrase "he said my profile sounded interesting". That sounds like an offer to write to him again after graduation rather than a firm job offer.
Has he made a firm contract offer with paperwork being sent to you?

Prof's response on Postdoc in Germany

Hi all, I will complete my PhD viva in August 2017. I recently applied for a postdoc position in a german university. And professor said that profile sound interesting and I can join him as soon as I complete my PhD. I was extremely eager to work in his lab. I replied him thanking and accepting offer immediately. And I asked for any further information they wish to provide or they may seek from me. But its been 24 days since I sent reply. No communication after that. Are they usually take this long. what if they dont reply at all. Any suggestions on what this means. Should I apply somewhere else now.

Research Labs

Thank you guys for your valuable inputs. I am replying very late as was quite offline for a while. I am concerned about the fact that while I look for the postdoc position somewhere, I may miss out some excellent lab in field to try upon, simply because at the time I was applying at various places, I didn't hear about it. Its very subjective, I agree. Related conference, magazines, papers should help. And as pm133 mentioned, one's research aptitude is more important than the lab itself.

Research Labs

Hi all, I am new to this site, it seems really amazing.
I am wondering if there is any way we can find out the best labs or departments around the world for a particular research field, like one's PhD topic. We can always search for recent papers, but, is there any other better way to find these labs, not the positions available there, but just the places where very good work is going on.