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Chances of being able to complete a PhD with a 2.2 + master's degree.

Hi Ian,

Thanks for your reply! That's reassuring, it's great to hear from people who were in the same situation. Also a good point about having to compete with those with higher classifications. It seems a little bit daunting now, but thankfully I have a good bit of time to improve interview technique and do some extra reading and preparation. Thanks for the advice! :)

Chances of being able to complete a PhD with a 2.2 + master's degree.


That's a relief! Thanks so much for your reply :)

Chances of being able to complete a PhD with a 2.2 + master's degree.

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me with this question.
I'm in my final year of my undergraduate degree (accounting with French), and I'm not sure that I'll manage to get a 2.1. I'm planning to enroll on the MA Philosophy course at the Open University next year, where the entrance requirement is simply an "honours degree". I'm also very aware that this is a dramatic change in subject area! After this, provided everything goes well, I would like to complete a PhD (also in philosophy).

I'm wondering whether a 2.2 classification in my undergrad degree would ruin my chances of being accepted for a PhD. I thought that perhaps because accounting is so far removed from philosophy, a university would be willing to overlook poorer performance at this level.
I do not expect to obtain any scholarships and am prepared to fund my own studies.
