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Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

Hi guys, hope you had a good time looking round today! I thought it was all really nice. I’ve got my bursary thingy back too and I get the full amount, I’m not so worried about it all now. Add me on facebook too, k7_c@hotmail.com! I’m so glad I’ll kind of know a few people before starting :)

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

I also forgot to say that the university had a part time job bank, maybe you would be able to find something there that would fit in around the course

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

my first name is Katie, so i guess it is a little strange :)

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

I don’t think that I will work. It was advised on the interview days that I went to that its very difficult to do the masters and work. Depends on how committed you are I guess.

Have you seen the part on the bursary form where it says about CDLs. it says that it doesn’t matter if you apply for them? That’s strange

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

Went to look around the campus, it was lovely! There are so many facilities. It even has a swimming pool on campus. It's made me more excited about starting now. Also had a look around the city, wasn’t half as bad as I was expecting :)

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

From what I’ve read on the bursary website we as postgraduates are entitled to more of a ‘maintenance grant’. Still have no idea how much it will be though. I don’t really see what the problem is with banks and the CDLs for social work. If we are willing to pay them back, I don’t see why we shouldn’t get them.

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

I'm going to the open day this Saturday. There was a halls tour you could take but I’m not sure which ones they take you around. They all look very expensive!

the loan prospects doesn’t look very good. I never thought we wouldn’t be eligible for a CDL. I don’t know if you have checked but the bursary forms are out on the 1st May.

Career development loans

Oh no, I was going to try and apply for one too. Do you know of anywhere else we can apply to?

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

Hi, I think it’s the same as Katie. In all of my interviews i was asked 'what does social work mean to you?' so it might be best to come up with a more individualised answer. Common themes between interviews were social exclusion, oppression and disabilities.

There is an undergraduate open day at Warwick on the 28th. I’ve booked myself on it as I’m desperate to have a good look around the campus. You can choose which bits of the campus you want to see…. I’m sad and have booked a library tour! ha ha

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

OMG I don’t believe it! I have been worrying so much about it! Where does the rest of the money come from? That is such good news!!!!!!

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

Hi, don’t worry about it too much. I’m sure you will hear back soon about an interview date.

My work experience is also with adults with learning difficulties and I was given a place so I’m sure it’s sufficient.

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work


This is the site that I have found on fees. Its information for the last year though. I still can't believe they are so expensive.

I have emailed about an open day, but have had no reply.

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

Yes, I’m still at uni. Graduating soon! I'm going to be moving to Coventry in a few months.

I wasn’t expecting the tuition fees to be so expensive, or the bursary to be so low

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

Well done! I felt the same way! Are you still in uni or have you had some time out working?

Can't wait to start now!

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

I can't find any either. I think I might phone up and ask about it as there doesn’t seem to be any available.

For my interview I had read a few introductory texts and had looked up core values and beliefs needed for social workers. I think they asked my opinion on current issues too. Good Luck!