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Research PHD programs?

Thanks for everyone's replies.  My area of study is Psychology.  My interest is Sports, Wellness, Nutrition and healthy living for all ages.  I am doing some research in the area as part of my Master and I have not ran across any "enlighten" PHD programs yet. I am currently studying in the US but would not mind going overseas if the opportunity would come also.  Currently, I do have a graduate assistantship as I help out as a tennis assistant coach and would not mind doing something similar, or teaching to help pay for the PHD.
I do have an undergraduate, master in Business and many years of executive multinational work. I would not mind using any of my experience to help pay for my PHD either.
Perhaps, I just need to do more research and ask my teacher.  My currently University, do not have anything as a PHD that I want to do but maybe the will adapt as they are doing for my Master that in theory is Educational Psychology but I am focusing on sports and wellness.
Any other suggestions, welcome!

Regards to all,

Research PHD programs?

Thanks for everyone's replies.  My area of study is Psychology.  My interest is Sports, Wellness, Nutrition and healthy living for all ages.  I am doing some research in the area as part of my Master and I have not ran across any "enlighten" PHD programs yet. I am currently studying in the US but would not mind going overseas if the opportunity would come also.  Currently, I do have a graduate assistantship as I help out as a tennis assistant coach and would not mind doing something similar, or teaching to help pay for the PHD.
I do have an undergraduate, master in Business and many years of executive multinational work. I would not mind using any of my experience to help pay for my PHD either.
Perhaps, I just need to do more research and ask my teacher.  My currently University, do not have anything as a PHD that I want to do but maybe the will adapt as they are doing for my Master that in theory is Educational Psychology but I am focusing on sports and wellness.
Any other suggestions, welcome!

Regards to all,

Research PHD programs?

With the reply that I received in mind, perhaps I should refrase my question: With so many Universities in the US and worldwide, how one can find out areas of expertize, funding etc at different Universities without having to entering each site and discovering one by one? Is there a magazine, article or something that compares PHD programs and talks briefly about programs, areas, research, funding and other relevant topics?
Thanks for the comments and suggestions.

Research PHD programs?

Just wondering if there is a site that compare PHD programs, areas of study, funding available etc.
In advance, I appreciate any info. on it.
Kind Regards,