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Secondary supervisor withdrawing from supervisory team

Hi Nathaliephd,

I think you are right, already having some interest today, so there maybe a second supervisor after all, but the main focus is on the project in the meantime, hopefully everything else will slot into place.

At least I have one excellent supervisor in place.

Thanks Romas

Secondary supervisor withdrawing from supervisory team

Hi Image Analyst,

My principal supervisor in the process of finding a replacement, even though my internal grades from a previous course are the highest they had for a while, no-one seems to clambering to come forward. The few he has approached who have the necessary expertise (though not as high as the principal) or research area interest have declined which is giving the impression of being blacklisted.

He is wondering whether it is fair to put me through 6 months of work if the first RD1 form stage - there needs to be two supervisors, he is waiting for clarification whether this is correct or not. On the air of caution, we had our first PhD meeting and documented it in a log book and will try to proceed just with one.

I even decorated my desk just to feel more at home in the research lab whilst all this uncertainty takes place.


Secondary supervisor withdrawing from supervisory team

Thanks, Nathaliephd, the article is helpful and so are your comments. I think that my principal supervisor has a 70:30 ratio of overall supervision workload and his expertise is the main focus in the early stages of the PhD. In my university regulations it says it is 'normal to have two supervisors' it doesn't say compulsory. So I will try and carry on and hope the situation remedies itself. Starting out on a PHd is bewildering anyway (so many unknowns) without extra hurdles to contend with so soon. Romas

Secondary supervisor withdrawing from supervisory team

Just started my PhD and my second supervisor seemed uncomfortable in my presence having had past issues decided to seek outside advise and he was contacted sensitively by an experienced advisor. Initially, he responded he was happy to supervise me, the very next day he had withdrawn himself from my supervisory team, I had no explanation given to me, am I entitled to one, I been told I could be black listed if this person has pulled out and won't be able to replace this person very easily.

Is this normal at the start of the PhD for the supervisor to pull out, can I continue with my PhD with just the principal one and if so how long? I am worried I might lose my PhD place after 3 weeks, whose responsibility is it to find me a second one?

Is this unprecedented and could I be now at fault. Need some advice.