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How is it lik to do a Master's Degree ?

I am looking to do one, but what exactly you do in there eludes me, i come from an environment in which i attend to classes, make projects and take 2 exams as part of my final 1 to 10 grade in which i need a 7 minimum to pass the course , and i have to take all the courses in the syllabus to obtain my degree, no exception, i would love to hear your experiences about what it is like, specially if you got your degree in a Japanese university , which is one that piques my interest( virtual reality and haptic feedback ), but i would like to hear about other countries as well, it would be very nice if you could add the university and country in which you got your degree along with your experience, highs and lows, good and bad.

Thank you ! , i hope to hear from you, I'll read every message.