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Really frustrating getting a Phd placement

Thank you all...Bleebles, 4matt, Keenbean, Sneaks, Bewildered..for your insightful contributions so far. They will enable me evaluate every available options.

Please keep your contributions coming...

Really frustrating getting a Phd placement

Hi All,

I found this forum today and have been reading the helpful comments.

Can somebody help? I have been trying to get unto a PhD program (funded and non-funded) in the UK but it seem really a daunting task after making series of applications to various universities.

I have obtained a Masters (with a 67%) score from a UK university and believed this should give me a very good chance for a PhD. I had a 2.2 from my B. sc - this was as a result of tough economic challenges I went through during my undergraduate studies otherwise I should made at least a 2.1. My field is in the social sciences. Though most PhD funding opportunities are for science related fields but there are still few on social sciences.

I am not sure what to do now and a bit discouraged. Sometimes I am tempted to think that PhD placements and funding opportunities are not so much given to applicants from Africa ( I am an African)....I'm sure this may be wrong but I really need somebody to convince me otherwise and give me a different perspective....

Thank you