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i hate it when people tell me what to do!

yet know what they might make you aware of. Unfortunately, education within the confines of institutions doesn't necessarily equip people with the simple interpersonal skills that are essential in the 'outside world' but don't worry, these like so many other skills you possess can be learned!
Afterall, Jojo did post to this forum regarding this issue, so presumably they (he/she) is quite capable of discussing these issues with people, did you expect to find a MORE informed opinion here than someone out working in the field?!
Anyway, I could go on. Was that condescending enough?

i hate it when people tell me what to do!

Its funny that CC would mention networking and say this guy was bad at it... He has put jojo in contact with someone that may or may not help them in their field of interesting. Looks like hes facilitated the whole networking thing adequately, if Jojo can't see the positive aspects of this then thats a shame, it might be a good idea to go and talk to the person afterall. If you tell them what you already know they may be able to help you further or give you a different insight. It can be useful to get as many qualified opinions as possible on your approach to your career and your business relationships. It might be a question of whether you can spare the time to talk to this person, if you have their number what can it hurt to give them a call, you don't