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Where definitions should be located in thesis?

Quote From MeaninginLife:
Usually, one may define the terms in Chapter 1 Introduction.

However, I still discussed the alternative definitions of the terms in Chapter 2 Literature Review.
So, it is possible to be introduction AND literature review.

Why if possible?
In Chapter 1, I clarify the meaning of the term as used throughout the thesis.
In Chapter 2, I explain the inadequate definitions as used by current scholars.

Thanks MeaninginLife, your comments are helpful.

Where definitions should be located in thesis?

Hi all
I am in writing stage of my PhD thesis. I have many terms that I need to define with some details. I am wondering in which chapter should I put them in. introduction or literature review? why if possible?

Thanks all in advance

Writing literature review. can I ...?

Dear All
I appreciate your help in advance.
I am in stage of writing literature review of my thesis (PhD) and in my research area there is a scholar how has done too many studies in the subject and his studies have been widely cited, I can see them in every related research. My question is “Is it ok to summarise his findings instead of keep referencing these studies in different places of the chapter? What do you recommend?

Thematic analysis to close ended questions

Thanks Walminskipeas… for quick response, you understood the question and you point is reasonable.

Thematic analysis to close ended questions

Hi all

I’m in stage of analysing my research questionnaire which includes five open ended questions. Open ended questions been analysed using “thematic analysis method” which ended with many themes.

The question is, is it valid to convert these themes to multiple choice close questions and deal with them as the rest of questionnaire close ended questions? Any evidence to support!

What is the best online survey tool you know or you have used?

Thanks Ailicec and sneaks. You have mentioned a new tools, I am testing both of them

What is the best online survey tool you know or you have used?

What is the best online survey you know or you have used?
Im looking for one :)

traingulate or no?

Thanks Pjlu it does make sense...

traingulate or no?

======= Date Modified 10 Feb 2012 15:23:10 =======
Hi all

In educational and social research it is very common using mixed method. I’m doing educational research and tending to do triangulation (use more than one method), questionnaire followed by interview. My second supervisor sees that I can save my time by conducting a questionnaire only with open-ended questions which do interview function.

What do you think of his point of view?

Looking for instrument (TPUS),(RPM) and (PBM)

Hi everyone
I’m doing research in using power in classroom, I been searching for these instrument for couple of weeks. It is very famous tools to measure power.

Do any one has an idea where to find or has a copy.

· Teacher Power Use Scale (TPUS)

· Relative Power Measure (RPM)

· Power base Measure (PBM).

Looking for research instrument

Hi everyone

I am in design method stage in my research which is important as you know. My research is about measuring student-lecturer relationship in higher education. I’ve been reading about instruments that designed for this purposes. I’ve found many measurement scales which designed young students such as (SIRS), (STRS), (CFQ), (MES), (QTI), (PISA), (MBTI), (STRS), (TSRI) and (ALCP) which sometimes have been adapted to be used for university level of studying. Has anyone aware of similar one that originally designed for university level?. Or direction where to search?

scale to measure realtionship

Quote From Slizor:

Erm, you would need to conceptualise power first. Clarissa Hayward's "De-facing Power" is on similar issues as you are looking at, but I would recommend the powercube (http://www.powercube.net/) for a more rounded understanding of power. You'd have to work on it to produce a scale, unless you choose to ignore a few faces of power.

Thanks Slizor your suggestion helps

scale to measure realtionship

No am afraid and thank you for trying to help.

I want to measure the shift in power in student-teacher relationship. For example, Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) is a scale to measure the relationship in terms of conflict, dependency, overall and quality of the relationship but not to measure shift in power relationship for teacher to student.

scale to measure realtionship

hope all of you are doing well
I’m looking for a scale to measure relationship in terms of power. I’m wondering whether anyone has seen such as scale or a clue where to search.

presinting first year progression report (PHD)

thanks DrJeckyll, helpful