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Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day


just checking in - I handed in my theses yesturday however, to get to that stage I had to overcome, losing my car key, running to get my 3 year old to school, being involved in a car crash, internet not working and the list went on. I managed to achieve my end goal by 1pm. I am now working on two papers for a conference and looking for intersting roles within HE..i am a mentor for friends that are in either 3rd or 4th year of their PHDs. if I can be of any help just shout...

Is there life after 40 as a women with a PHD?

Thanks, I would like to be either a director or Head of something as I have alot of leadership and managment skills. It could be HE or private sector - I need assistance with ideas networks etc. I look forward to any responses...

Help! It's late at night and I'm sick of my thesis!

I am hear with you too. I had to rewrite areas of mine and felt like a total failure and was unable to face people who kept asking about my research. I was working, with two older children embarking on their first degrees, a young baby who is now three, a husband who was not an academic two step children from hell...and the story went on and faced with a rewrite..it has been hell. The step children have now left both my older girls are graduating and I have submit in June - keep working if only I had seen the site before. my pain is yours...x

Yeeeeaaaa I passed my viva! - so how did it go?

Good luck, I wish you all the best...

Is there life after 40 as a women with a PHD?

maybe it is just postdoc blues...I am sure you are right...

to return or not to return

Hi Angie

Its, a hard and lonely process (which feels like your are going mad)however, you appear to be working through. I embarked on therpy to get me going again, I needed to work on the concept of 'emotional intelligence'as my relationship with my thesis that was linked to why I was stopping myself writing up. It worked for me - perhaps something to consider very aware about the relationship

to return or not to return


use your experience as the way forward, if you really want to continue with your PHD do so... I speak from experience through times when I could not put pen to paper due to fear and listening to the 'voices' in my head telling me what I should or should not be doing. However, I now submit this year in June....I would advice as a parttime student do what heart says...

Is there life after 40 as a women with a PHD?

Thanks, for your responses - what I meant by the six months was the end part of the thesis (the overall took a lot longer..)I can move anywhereas my little girl is only 3 years old. Would consider working outside UK too. Do you know of any good sights to start exploring....I look forward to any advice when you are taking your next break...


Is there life after 40 as a women with a PHD?

I was a young academic, and then decided to leave and work in the 'real' which lead me into education, research and training. However, time went on and I embarked on a PHD - after six months of intense study I will hand in my work in early June. what concerns me is what next? My experience is vast and includes HE, FE, Schools, Public and private sector how can I reap the benefits ....any help would be good please..

Is there life after 40 as a women with a PHD?

I was a young academic, and then decided to leave and work in the 'real' which lead me into education, research and training. However, time went on and I embarked on a PHD - after six months of intense study I will hand in my work in early June. what concerns me is what next? My experience is vast and includes HE, FE, Schools, Public and private sector how can I reap the benefits ....any help would be good please..