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Perfect PhD slipping through my fingers help!

Hi guys, thank you all for your very helpful responses! I have been reading them but haven't been able to reply thanks to some bug on my computer :s
anyway! I emailed the PI I would like to work for, and they forwarded it to someone who could give me some constructive advice ..

basically, i was top of the reserve list - which made me feel a lot better - and exactly like you just said, Lsc35, I would be much better off applying directly for the 3-year scheme as, with all my current qualifications and knowledge I am actually overqualified for the 4-year PhD! So yes, I feel much better :) thanks everyone for convincing me to ask!!

I think I'm going to work for a year, get some money and then reapply next year. From what it sounds like I'm a good candidate, so fingers crossed...!

Thanks again!

Perfect PhD slipping through my fingers help!

Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum but I need help! Basically, I hadn't completely 100% made up my mind to do a PhD until a couple of months ago, leaving it way too late for October 2010 start I know. However, my absolute dream department to do a PhD with still had 1 place going, which I immediately applied to. Its a 4 year Phd, so you don't choose your project until the end of the 1st year, but spend that first year doing training and mini projects. I know exactly which supervisor I would want to do my main project with though, and have been in contact with her.

However, I heard back yesterday saying that due to massive amounts of competition I hadn't been shortlisted. Trying not to be absolutely gutted - I do know how competitive places are at the moment - I'm trying to stay positive and figure out my next move, obviously, applying this October to start October 2011.

My problem is this - this project, and the field I want to move into, is more medical genetics based (trying not to give too much away here!) while I have always been more evolutionary genetics .. same techniques, but obviously not same context, and I'm worried that this is what let me down. I have tons of experience - for undergrad did a year work placement, and did a lab-based final year project, and am currently doing a MRes.

I'm now debating emailing the supervisor I would love to work for (the department also does 3 year PhDs where you can directly go into the project), and ask them directly what I can do to make myself a stronger candidate - should I get a job in a medical field for a year, or should I ask for some work experience in the exact field (god knows how I could afford that though, after being wiped clean by my MRes!). BUT, is emailing this supervisor again, and directly asking this person for help .. is this looking borderline nagging and harassing?! I genuinely just want advice as to where to go from here, but I don't want to be hated by this supervisor before even applying again!

Any help would be greatly appreciated :) thanks xx