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Using Buzan Mind Mapping software

The Student Siftware site seems a bit odd...I have registered but now when I try to search the site I am bounced to a 'page not found' message - is this site genuine? Have you used it before?
I understand the lure of anything to avoid focusing on the reading/rewriting of academic work...I am fascinated by my need to search for software to help me study vs the actual 'getting down to it'...

Using Buzan Mind Mapping software

Thank you for your quick response - am now going to look at that one!

Using Buzan Mind Mapping software

I am realising the benefit of mindmapping (using words, colour and pictures) to both my study (literature review etc) and running workshops but now I am trying to decide whether to invest in the more expensive Buzan Mindmapping software (seems to involve more creativity than others) rather than the cheaper versions, does anyone have any experience of this. Is it worth the extra cost?

Part time and mature!

Thanks Joyce...I seem to be very fortunate with my university and supervisor(s) as they are all aware of the nature of part time work and seem to be very predicting the challenges I face (of course it maybe that this is partly because they see me as a mother figure and they wnat to look after me!)
Interestly..I was reading a book last night (Rosaline Barbour) whilst watching saturday night TV with my partner...and woke this morning with thoughts going around in my head...leading me to consider my research approach in a slightly different way. I realsied that I had made some assumptions - which her words challenenged. So I have started my PhD journal...hoping that I wont lose those thoughts.
Thank you for your words of support and welcome.:-)

Part time and mature!

Thank you all for the responses and I am already realising that I will be using this forum a lot - to help with my PhD and to make friends. It is inspiring to read all your words
BilboBaggins - yours words are soooo encouraging - as Pjlu says...how can you not think this is so? I can only assume that your journey has been a hard one but I hope soon that you will see the side that others see!
I did start a PhD a few years ago as part of my full time work but after 2 years stopped! I learnt from that how lonely you can feel if you do not make the effort to communicate...so I am so pleased that I found this forum! I will also be attending some activities in Leicester (where I am registered) and especially if I can get lower rail travel...that is one to try soon...
Love the spell check!

Part time and mature!

Hello, I have just entered the academic world (part time PhD student)after many years as a nurse! I am fortunate that my subject area for my studies are close to my heart (educator behaviour and quality assurance of patient self management programmes) and I am being funded (paid) to do the studies - but I am part time and getting on a bit (actually 57) - I also live quite a distance from the University so cannot easily develop academic networks - so any tips out there for me? This site seems to be a very helpful place to get support....:-)