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can you help me getting this article please

Management of women at high risk for breast cancer: new imaging beyond mammography.
Kuhl CK, Kuhn W, Schild H.
Breast. 2005 Dec,14(6):480-6.
link: http://www.thebreastonline.com/article/S0960-9776%2805%2900192-X/abstract
thank you

can anyone help me get this article please?

please I need this article also:

topic: Dynamic Helical CT of Breast Tumors
Sardanelli, Francesco; Calabrese, Massimo; Zandrino, Franco; Melani, Enrico; Parodi, Roberto C.; Imperiale, Andrea; Massa, Tiberio; Parodi, Giancarlo; Canavese, Giuseppe

Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography:
May/June 1998 - Volume 22 - Issue 3 - pp 398-407
Breast Imaging

link: http://journals.lww.com/jcat/Abstract/1998/05000/Dynamic_Helical_CT_of_Breast_Tumors.10.aspx
thank you

can anyone help me get this article please?

I need this article please
CT appearance of the normal and abnormal breast with mammographic correlation
Paul A. Goldber, MD, Charles S. White, MD, Marcia A. McAvoy, MD, Philip A. Templeton, MD
Clinical Imaging
Volume 18, Issue 4, October–December 1994, Pages 262–272
link: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0899707194900051
thank you