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Has anyone published their lit review from the first year of their PhD??

How exactly do you publish your review unless it is invited?
How do you pick the right journal?
Or do you just submit it and hope for the best like you do with papers?

How many job applications till you got the job?

Ah...nice too hear people are having the same experiences...

I have thus far applied for 15 jobs (all non-academic) - rejected by 4, waiting to hear back from about 8, interviewing with one in a week and shortlisted for 2 more.
Frustrating, to say the least. And all that juggling with final thesis corrections and sorting out the viva etc...

Anyone here ever started over in another PhD?

Spiegboy: Sorry, I don't get that? Care to elaborate?

Topic: I haven't quit yet - I'd like not to, but I might have no other choice. As Is said contingency planning.

Anyone here ever started over in another PhD?

That's very reassuring. I still entertain the hope that the worst won't happen...but well...

language learning tips...

I'm learning Swedish as well! Progress is slow, because I don't have a lot of time for self stduy.
Best thing to do: Language Holiday.

Anyone here ever started over in another PhD?

Oh, btw, totally agree about my college. Have to wait how it all plays out, but so far they are great.

Anyone here ever started over in another PhD?

How do you go on applying for new positions? Is there a good way to explain what has happened?

Anyone here ever started over in another PhD?

Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone around ever walked away from a PhD and started another one?
There are initial stages of a bullying grievance against my principal supervisor. I started them and the department is behind me.
I like my project, but if worst comes to worst I need a contingency plan.
I might at least get an MPhil out of it, but how hard is it going to be to find another (funded...) position? Am I (worst case scenario!) going to be the gal who quit forever, if I do it?
All of this crap hasn't fazed my determination of getting a PhD one way or another...

My friend just quit his PhD after 11 months...

Hi, someone above mentioned, that he/she is doing an industrial PhD. How does that work? Which field?
Thumbs up for that topic! Made my day.

Drop out, start something new, suck it up?

Thanks for all the support, guys.
Happy to hear, that there other people with the same problem out there...*sigh*
I have been in industry before - I was very happy there. Completely different to my current environment...

Drop out, start something new, suck it up?

Yeah, this is exactly what I feel like - I am just wondering whether it is not easier to draw the line rather sooner than later.
On the other hand, the way one deals with the kind of PhD pressure also tells a story...

Is anyone doing a PhD in industry? Is that even possible in the UK?

Drop out, start something new, suck it up?

(continued - this word limit sucks!)

My reason for the PhD is, that I want to work in industrial R&D later - without a PhD that is almost impossible. I definitely don't want a academic career. So maybe I was wrong in choosing a completely academic environment.
Sorry if this rant is s bit chaotic.
I try to put my dilemma more concisely:
1. I am usure whether my motivation for the PhD is right.
2. I don't think the environment is good enough to show my full potential and I doubt this is teaching me much - more like a waste of my time. And all my comprpmising hasn't worked so far.
3. I am, however, in a position, many aspiring PhD students would like to be in - namely a place with funding at good uni...

Any opinions? Also, if you want to tell me that I'm just be stupid, go right ahead.

Drop out, start something new, suck it up?

Hi guys!
I need some opinions on my current situation. I am about 6 months into my PhD in Medical Sciences (have two full master-equivalent degrees). And I am currently really unhappy - I know this is common, but hang on.
I think I might have made a very bad decision with choosing this particular PhD - like choosing it for the wrong reasons. I am at a top London uni, my studentship is generous - as to that I really don't have a right to complain. The topic I am working on is stuck, however. And the group I am in is very passive. Not much happening here. Bad funding. All my ideas are disregarded. I really feel like I am wasting my talent here and that I will come out of this PhD without having aquired the skills I am looking for. All my talking about it to my supervisor hasn't helped so far.