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I would like to quit PHD...Please Help

Thanks for your valuable suggestions. Do you think my advisor will allow me to get a master's degree. Also is it difficult to find a job if I quit Phd.Because I have pretty much decided not to do PhD.I have also talked to my parents and brother about it and they supported my idea.

I would like to quit PHD...Please Help

Here is my story. I am currently doing my PhD(2nd semester) in Biomedical Engineering .I already have a masters degree in Mechanical Engineering. I was genuinely interested in doing research. So that was the reason for me joining the PhD program. But of lately I lost the motivation to do any thing in my life, let alone doing research. There have been days where I did not eat for three to four days. I have also put on lot of weight and dark circles started appearing under my eyes. I am generally a very optimistic person. But these days I am very sad almost every moment of my life. But I don't how to approach my advisor who actually is a very good person. I was thinking may be I can study for one more year and get a masters degree in Biomedical engineering instead of quitting midway. I would like to know what u guys think?