Overview of terencechung122

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Is a low 2.1 = 2.2 in their eye?

I am a third year student and I am now trying to apply for a PhD in school of pharmacy london. I have obtained only a low 2.1(60.something%) after the second year which is pretty disappointing. I am sure I would get a much better result after this term. I have tried to avoid providing my actual percentage to them and hoping that they can interview me before they look at my actual results so that I can actually persuade and impress them in person. However the registry has told me that they required me to provide the percentage before the application has go any further!damn! I would be very happy if anyone here can tell me about the chance of me getting through to the interview part?

Marginal upper second class

What is the chances of getting a PhD in Pharmcology/Medicinal Chemistry area in Oxbridge or London University if I have a low marginal 2.1 after second year of my study? Would they decide accepting me base on more of my interest at doing the project or my exam results? As an international student who came here for 6years and holds british citizen passport though still paying for international fees, would they consider me as a local student?

HELP!!!Frustated 3rd year biochemist trying to get a phd in Oxbridge

I am a biochemist and have got a low 2.1(60.something%) so far after second year of study and I am looking forward achieving a high 2.1 towards the end of my degree. I have done a summer research studentship which was funded by wellcome trust and I have two pretty good references one from my tutor(head of department) and one from my supervisor of the my summer research project. Having recently applied for a few PhD positions in OXBRIDGE but still haven't got any reply yet, I am now getting really desperate to know if I can have a chance of at least getting an interview? and if yes are there any chance of me getting a PhD position there? is it impossible? It would be grateful if anyone here can give me some idea.